
“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”




Sub.:  Offer of Appointment as C & F Agent.

Dear Sir,

We convey our thanks for the courtesy extended to our representative during his visit to your place. We offer you for C & F Agent of our Company on the terms & conditions mentioned in the guidelines already sent to you. Please complete the following to enable us to issue the regular appointment letter.

  1. Deposit security of Rs.2,00,000/-(Rupees Two Lac only).
  2. Submit the nature of constitution of your firm, with name(s) of proprietor/partner and/ or other employee/person authorised to sign on behalf of the firm. Specimen signatures of the persons(s) authorised to sign, duly attested by proprietor/partner may also be sent.
  3. In case of Proprietorship firm a declaration to the effect signed by you( giving the name of the firm and the name of the proprietor)
  4. In case of partnership firm, an authority letter signed by all partners authorizing any of the partners to act on behalf of the partnership firm.
  5. In case of Private Limited Company, please submit a list of Directors as on date, Board Resolution and a copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association and certificate of Incorporation.

For all category the specimen are enclosed for reference.

You are requested to complete the above formalities within a week’s time to proceed further. Otherwise the offer will be deemed as cancelled automatically.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For Premier LPG Ltd.

Manager (Sales)

Encl. As above