“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”
Letter on the Letter Head of company to consultant to visit
office for Agreement of Business Consultant
(Name & Address of the party)
Sub.:- Application Form for Associates as ( mention category of Associates).
Ref.:- Your application dated___________
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed Original Receipt No. _________ dated__________for Rs._______________ (Rupees ) on account of__________________( As mentioned in Application Form). Now you are requested to visit the office of the company to execute the Agreement for running the Associationship. You are required to visit the office by purchasing a stamp paper of Rs.100/-(Rupees Hundred Only) from Delhi & Rubber seal of your Company for execution of Agreements.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
( )
Authorized Signatory
Copy to: – Asstt. Manger (Operations) for information & necessary action.