“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”

Authority letter on company letterhead

Shri____s/o ____________________R/o___________________, having Aadhar card number- ____________, is hereby appointed as (name of category) and authorize to attend the queries of customers and after completing the formalities with their recommendation send to the company for appointment of associates on the terms & conditions of the company, already described at website in all respect. He has no power to receive cash from any party & any payment in his account. He can receive DD/Cheque in favour of ‘Premier LPG Limited’, payable at New Delhi against issue the provisional receipt. The commitment made in writing from the company except the terms & conditions mentioned at website will be honored only. This authorization is valid up to _____________.

 For Premier LPG Ltd.

Authorized Signatory