“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”


Forwarding Letter on Letter Head of the company enclosing

Receipt of payment to the concerned person from whom payment receive with copy to
processing officer/concerned person for further necessary action at his end.


(Name & Address of the Applicant)

Sub.:- Application Form for Associates as ( mention category of Associates).

Ref.:- Your application dated___________

Dear Sir,

Please find enclosed Original Receipt No. _________ dated__________for Rs._______________ (Rupees                                                 ) on account of__________________( As mentioned in Application Form). Your documents are being forwarded to the Processing Officer/ Correspondence officer/ Relax Consultant (write, as the case may be) of the company for further necessary action in the matter who will inform you further action to be taken in due course pl.

Thanking you
Yours Sincerely,
For Premier LPG Limited


Sales Officer (Accounts)

 Encl.: As above

Copy to (write, as the case may be), along with all documents received from the applicant for further necessary action at your end please.