“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”


Letter on the Letter Head of the Associates to Zonal Office
 for submission of documents for issue of License

Joint Chief Controller of Explosive
Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO),
(full address as the case may be)

Sub.:  Proposed Storage LPG Godown of capacity ______of  M/s_________________________ at__________________________ ________ ___________________ _________________.

Ref.:  Prior Approval No-________________________________.

Respected Sir,

Please find enclosed the necessary documents for grant of License of capacity 4000 Kgs. at ____

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________again st Prior Approval No._______________________.

  1. Application in Form C.
  2. License fees in form of DD No.______________dated___________ amounting to Rs.__________(Rupees___________________________________________) for _____ years.
  3. 4 Copies of Drawings.
  4. Colour Photographs of the storage shed.
  5. Certificate to the effect that construction of the Godown has been made as per approved drawings.
  6. Original NOC from the Local Panchayat with endorsement on the Drawings.
  7. Affidavit-regarding legal right of land & no case against the applicant pending in any court of law.
  8. Specimen Signature of the authorized person to deal with your Deptt.

Please do not hesitate, if any information/documents required.

Hope you will find the documents in order and oblige by granting our License.

Thanking you
Yours Sincerely,


Encl.: As above