“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”
Letter on the Letter Head of Relax consultant to Associate
to visit office for Agreement of Dealership
(Name & Address of the party)
Sub.:- Issue of License of Distributor/Dealer/Retailer at_______________________________.
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed the Original License of your godown issued by the Joint Chief Controller of Explosive valid upto______________. Now you are requested to visit the office of the company to execute the Agreement for running the Dealership/Distributorship/Retailership and for making payment of Rs.____________ (Rupees______________________________) for issue of material for godown at the earliest. You are required to visit the office by purchasing a stamp paper of Rs.100/-(Rupees Hundred Only) from Delhi & Rubber seal of your Company for execution of Agreements.
Thanking you
Yours Sincerely,
For Relax Consultant
( )
Authorized Signatory
Copy to: – Asstt. Manger (Operations) for information & necessary action.