
“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”



(Name & Address of C & F Agent)

Sub.: Appointment as C & F Agent/Stockist.

Dear Sir,

With great pleasure, we are appointing you, as our C & F Agent/Stockist and sending initial guidelines, as mentioned below to complete and enable you to commence business at the earliest.


  1. PL-17 Guidelines for godown construction
  2. PL-19 Office Lay out
  3. PL-33 Premier Marketing Set-up
  4. PL-53 Guidelines for Inaugural Function
  5. PL-82 Speeches to be made in Inaugural Function.

To facilitate early commencement of business, please plan inauguration of your office, through a local V.I.P and advise us a suitable date in advance. For your reference our literature PL-53 and PL-82 relevant for inaugural function of distributor is enclosed. You may suitably modify programme suited to your needs.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For Premier LPG Ltd.

Authorized Signatory


Encl. As above.