Duties & responsibilities of Store Clerk
- Maintenance of Stock
- Receipt/issue of Stationary
- Maintenance of Stock Register/Individual Accountability Register
- Submission of monthly reports
Maintenance of stock
- Proper racks/Almirahs should be fitted/kept in the Store with different size of section. Each section of the Rack/almirah is called a Bin. Allot identification numbers for each bin with rack/almirah No. and mark the bin number in each section.
- Arrange to keep the items separately.
- Printed forms, envelopes, file cover, folders etc.
- Stationary articles like, registers, pen and stapler, computer stationary.
- Publicity Material.
- Keep high value stationary like Correction fluids, costlier ball-pens etc. for use of Sr. officers, Executives, Superior Letter Heads with double color print, writing pads etc. in a locked almirah and these may not be mixed with other items in the stores bin.
- Prepare a list of all items with code Nos. Get familiarized with code No. given to each form/article, along with its description.
- Allot a particular Bin for each Form/Article, keeping in view the size & quantum and store them in the particular bin. If the items are bulky or large, it will be stored in bigger bins to be arranged for long articles like umbrellas etc.
- Bin cards will be placed in each bin and for each article. Enter the opening balance of the article/item in the Bin card. (PF-30)
Receipt/Issue of stationary
- On Receipt of Article
- Get the article(s) as per challan/purchase bill. Check the quality of the goods purchased by the competent authority. In case of defective/damaged goods, return the goods and ask for getting replacement on printed form(PF-28)
- Enter the quantity purchased in the Daily receipt register (PS-18) and place in allotted Bins after entry in Bin card & update the stock balance in Bin card & forward the bill to Competent Authority for payment by putting serial No. on the challan/bill and stamp of entry made in the Stock Register.
- Issue of Stationary/Publicity Material
- On receipt of Requisition Slip (PF-19) duly marked from competent authority issue the items indented and mark entry in Bin Card. Keep slips in bunch serially numbered in continuation. At the end of the day, make all entries in Daily issue register.
- While making entries in Bin card at the time of issue of items check balance of each item and see, if the balance is near to minimum level. Note the items in the Requirement Indent register (PS-20). For purchase follow the guidelines for procurement of material. However, if urgently required, immediate purchase can be made.
Maintenance of Stock Register (PS-5) and Individual Accountability Register (PS-21 & 21-A)
- The standard stock register be maintained for accounting all items by allotting separate folio for each item of stationary forms/Register/Publicity Material etc..Receipts of all items to be posted from Daily Receipt Register, while issues to be posted from the Daily Issue Register.
- Individual Accountability Register can be maintained from Daily Issue Register.