Details terms & conditions for freelancer
- Eligibility criteria
The applicant should be well educated and belong to marketing profile with initiative, zeal and organizing capacity.
- Terms of appointment
Three years with the provision for further renewal by mutual consent. The renewal will be at the sole discretion of the company. The company will have a right to terminate the agreement earlier, if violation of any of the contractual terms is brought to its notice.
- Jurisdiction/area
He will be allowed to work in the area mutually agreed to introduce the person as associates or sell the products of the company on the terms & conditions prescribed by the company.
- Statutory provision
- He will be required to execute an agreement with the company.
- He will provide the guarantee of 2 Govt. employees.
- Rate
The rate of LPG will be changed as per international market every month. The circular will be issued by the company by the 1st of every month. The other items will also be sold as per rates fixed by the company from time to time. Changes, if any in rates will be communicated by the company in advance. The issue of circular at the address or email given by the business consultant will be sufficient to implement the rates of supply. The rates will be charged applicable on the date of supply from plants/distributor/dealer’s godown. Refer customer price list on website.
- Responsibilities
- To select and recommend suitable persons for appointment as distributors/dealers/ retailer/mini retailer/dealer (auto LPG)/business associates in accordance with the terms & conditions of the company in his area.
- To help in getting all formalities completed by his associates for quick commencement of their business with the company as well as the local authorities.
- To help his associates in appointment of their staff and train them in all respects.
- To conduct various publicity/advertisement programs in his area including at the places of his associates, as per guidelines and policies of the company. He will also acquire approval from the head office of the company for any publicity program that he would like to run or if required by any of his associates and make related arrangements for refund of expenses incurred by the associates as per policy of the company.
- Intensive business promotion and sale of the company’s products.
- In case of discontinuance of association by any associate with the company either on completion of tenure or premature, the freelancer will make alternate arrangement of the associates in his place.
- To keep information of competitors in/around his zone and advise the company from time to time, to protect and build the image of the company and maintain the same.
- To watch and submit details of any illegal activity in his zone, to the company, to catch people who either sell duplicate products or use subsidized gas for commercial/industrial purpose or fill small cylinders in an illegal manner, etc.
- To do any other work assigned by the company from time to time at present/in future in regard to increasing the business.
- Reports required by the company have to submit by the freelancer from time to time.
- Return on investment
He will be given following commission from the business introduced by him by appointment of associates and developed the business in their area only. Minimum one associate of any category will be required to appoint by him quarterly to get commission on regular basis.
i Commission on amount generated from sale of new
connections i/c. petromax portable cylinders & installation : 3% of level-II & III associates
of auto lpg dispensing station. 1% of level-I associates
ii New Connection of domestic cylinder : Rs 200/-
iii Refilling of domestic/commercial/ industrial cylinders : Rs. 5/- per Cylinder
Commission due of the month will be paid by 10th of next month on submission of invoice by 5th.
- Expenses
No expenses will be paid by the company either spent on travelling, boarding & lodging, publicity, etc. in any respect. Stationary will be issued as per actual requirement. Nothing extra will be paid for Photostat etc.
- Support from the company
Provide guidelines and training at business associates/company’s office.
- Publicity
- Initially, publicity material as per list enclosed will be supplied by the company to the business associates at concessional rates against the payment made by him as publicity expenses. Indent for further requirement should be made by the business associate to the company with payment. For details, refer to our guidelines for publicity in our website under head “publicity”.
- He can arrange further local publicity including cable TV in consultation with the PRO/BDM as per policy of the company. The company will reimburse 50% of the expenses on such advertisement if he got approval from the Head office of the company in writing.
- The company will also provide maximum support in organizing road show, public campaign and exhibition in his areas. The business associates has to lift the sufficient quantity of material as prescribed by the company to meet the demand of consumer during campaign/exhibition in his area.
- National & zonal level publicity, national newspaper, T.V., hoardings on highways etc. will be arranged by the company as and when company felt the need of it.
- However, he cannot compel the company for any type of publicity. Even at his cost, he cannot make any publicity without permission of the company.
- Surrender of associtation-ship as a freelancer
Either party shall give at least 3 months’ notice in writing in case it wants to dissolve the agreement before maturity but not before the period of one year from the date of agreement. The notice to be given to either party shall be deemed to have been served if sent by registered post at the address entered in this agreement or the changed address duly communicated. In case of notice prematurity, no commission will be paid, if pending.
- Arbitration clause
In case, any differences or dispute arises between the parties, it will be referred to the sole arbitrator to be appointed by managing director of the company. The arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of arbitration and conciliation act as applicable at the prevailing time. Language of the proceedings shall be in English and venue for arbitration shall be in Delhi. The decision of the arbitrator will be binding on both the parties. Courts of Delhi only shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the findings of sole arbitrator.
- Miscellaneous provision
- All terms and conditions have been framed in English language and translation options are for understanding purposes and facilitate the visitors only. In case any difference is found in translation, English version shall be final and binding.
- These are general terms and conditions; the contract/agreement executed between the parties after negotiations shall be final and have an overriding effect on these general terms and conditions.
- These terms and conditions may be changed, altered, modified depending upon the change in governing rules and regulations issued by the Government of India from time to time.
- The acceptance or rejection of the application is at the sole discretion of the company. After rejection, no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
- The company reserves the right to change, amend, add or delete any/all clauses at any time without prior notice.
- All disputes are subject to jurisdiction of Delhi courts only.
He will return the duplicate copy of these detailed terms and conditions duly signed in token of acknowledgement and acceptance to the company.