“Specimen- This draft is only to take language for
the purpose by Associate/consultant/company.”


Forwarding Letter to Joint Chief Controller of Explosive on
the Letter Head of the Associates for approval of godown

The Joint Chief Controller of Explosives,
Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO)
Zonal office (complete address of zone)

Subject.:-  Proposed Storage LPG Godown of capacity 4000 Lgs. Of M//s______________________at ________________________________ ____________________________

Respected Sir,

Please find enclosed the following necessary documents for approval of drawing for proposed storage LPG godown of capacity 4000 Kgs at ___________________________________________________________________________________________.

  1. Drawings (4 Copies)
  2. Approval fees in form of DD No.____________dated____________amounting to Rs. 400/-(Rupees Four Hundred Only).
  3. Copy of LOI by Parallel Marketer M/s Premier LPG Ltd., Delhi, whose valid license Nos. of Bhiwadi Plant are, 1) S/HO/RJ/03/151(S30060), 2) G/HO/RJ/05/8(G691), 3)G/HO/RJ/06/8 (G691) & letter dated 28.02.1996, Gulabpura licence is i) G/HO/RJ/05/109(G19966), ii) G/HO/RJ/06/89(G19966) & iii) S/HO/RJ/03/49(S4349), dated 28.07.1995. (as the case may be) Our Godown is at the distance of ________Km. from Bhiwadi plant only (Copy of License attached).
  4. Copy of property paper of land & Lease/Rent Deed in favour of M/s._____________________________.

Hope you will find the above documents in order and oblige by approving our site.

Please do not hesitate if any other information /clarification require from us.

Thanking You
Your Sincerely



Encl: As above