The applicant should belong to area & possess good reputation in the market having capacity of Investment of Rs. 1,30,000/-(Rupees one Lac thirty thousand only). The details of investment & projected profitability are given in the attached sheet as Annexure-I.
The applicant will provide Security Deposit of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) to perform the terms of the agreement properly and the company will pay simple interest @ 5% per annum at the time of maturity of agreement & will use the amount as per its requirement. There is no need of godown. The applicant can do business without godown & shop by keeping 100 Kg. LPG at his room.
Appointment of Customer Representative will be for the area prescribed by the company. There will be no limit of connection/supplies. However, the company can appoint other Customer Representative in the area if he cannot cover his area properly. The term will be for a period of three years with the provision for further renewal by mutual consent. The renewal of Customer representativeness will be at the sole discretion of the company. The Company will have a right to terminate the Customer representativeness earlier, if violation of any of the contractual terms is brought to its notice and in that case, his security will be forfeited.
Company has complied with mandatory requirements required for LPG business as per Gazette notification dated 24 May, 2000. The Customer Representative will be authorized by the company for sale of LPG in market. An agreement on stamp paper of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) containing all terms & conditions in details will be executed with the company by the applicant. Copy of Agreement after execution along with statutory documents & authorization will be given to Customer representative free of cost.
The rate of LPG will be changed as per International market every month. The circular will be issued by the company by 1st of every month. The New connections and other items will also be sold as per rates fixed by the Company from time to time. Changes, if any in Rates will be communicated by the Company in advance. Issue of circular at the address or email given by the Customer Representative will be sufficient to implement the rates of supply. The rates will be charged applicable on the date of supply from plants/Distributor/Dealer’s Godown. The current rate list of LPG & New connection enclosed.
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To start supply, Customer Representative will book new connections and start accepting orders for other products stipulating that delivery will be made of order placed with payment within 3 days 1st time & thereafter within day or two. On closing of the day, he will prepare list of total bookings on the Indent format (PF-5) in Triplicate, i.e. 1st copy for company/Associate & 2nd copy for receiving as token of confirmation of the order placed & 3rd for record and forward to Company/Associate to whom he has been attached as ‘Customer Representative’ through Mail/WhatsApp or inform on telephone by 5.00 p.m positively to get supply next day. He should keep in mind that supply will be made only on receipt of original copy of Indent with payment at Godown/Plant.
Delivery van of ‘Customer Representative’ will carry the stocks as per indent for the day from the Licensed Godown/Plant of the Associate/Company and the ‘Customer Representative’ will visit house to house and shop to shop to make delivery of the cylinders to all consumers and in the evening, he will return the empties at Godown/ Plant from he
lifted the material and will get receipt for the same immediately. The Customer Representative can keep100 kgs. LPG in cylinders at his room and the balance, if any, can be kept in his vehicle & transshipped next day also.
The ‘Customer Representative’ is responsible for the stock of Cylinders in their custody and also for proper monitoring and maintenance of accounts of cylinders to Individual under their jurisdicition. It is necessary to impress on proper accounting of cylinders stock with him and Consumers. It is not difficult job, the ‘Customer Representative’ can maintain his record manually or on computer package (Tally+ Excel) for which company provides training to the Customer Representative or his Staff. The Gas is sold to the consumer, the cylinder, however, is not sold to anyone. Its use is hired against security obtained by the Company as per Security Voucher. Cylinders are returnable to the Company and the Company will refund Security as per terms of Security Voucher with the consumers, as printed on the reverse of the voucher to be issued with the new connection. Please refer the Chapter of Booking New Connection for proper Maintenance of record.
Refer projected profitability sheet.
Company will support the Customer Representative in following manners:-
(i) Training to Customer Representative and any other staff appointed by Customer Representative free of cost at Business Associates/Company’s office.
(ii) Provide office/printed stationery at reasonable rates if desired by the Customer Representative.
(iii) 50% share of the salary/expenses/incentive of liasioning assistant and surveyor engaged on the terms laid down by the company to establish and develop his business as well as for publicity in his area.
(iv) Loan to consumer for connection @ Rs. 1000/- only on submission of documents mentioned in the consumer loan scheme.
(v) To stop the illegal activities running in the area through Association.
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Either party shall give at least one month notice in writing in case it wants to dissolve the agreement before maturity but not before the period of one year from the date of Agreement. The notice to be given to either party shall be deemed to have been served if sent by registered post at the address entered in the agreement or the changed address duly communicated. In case of prematurity, no interest on security deposit will be given.
a) Publicity material as per list enclosed will be supplied by the Company to the Customer Representative on concessional rate and the Company will reimburse 50% of the expenses incurred by the Customer Representative on advertisement after taking approval from the office of the Company in writing.
b) The Company also support in organizing Road Show, Public Campaign and Exhibition in his area. The Customer Representative has to book the sufficient quantity of material, to meet the demand of consumer during Campaign/Exhibition in his area.
c) National & Zonal level publicity, e.g. National Newspaper, T.V., Hoardings on Highways etc. will be arranged by the company as and when company felt the need of it. However, the Customer Representative cannot compel the company for any type of publicity. Even, the Customer Representative at his own cost cannot make any publicity without permission of the company.
a) The acceptance or rejection of application for Customer Representative is at the sole discretion of the Company and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
b) The Company reserves the right to revise, amend, add or delete any/all clauses at any time without prior notice.
c) All disputes are subject to Delhi Courts only.
The Customer Representative will return the duplicate copy of these terms and conditions duly signed in token of acknowledgement and acceptance.
(Customer Representative)
1. The person should study the terms & conditions including projected profitability & list of documents to be submitted with Application form carefully. If some query comes in mind, without hesitating, he should enquire from company on phone or if possible by personal visit. Thereafter he should survey the market to judge the demand & rates
prevailing in the market. Presently, the company offers to sell LPG for commercial and industrial purposes at the rates of PSU’s company rates charged for commercial & industrial use in the area which includes 18% GST. The refill will be provided as per price list of the company on 5 % GST for Domestic use. The rates are changed every
month as per international market.
2. After getting all details, he should assess demand, his own capability and investment available with him & should fill up Application form completing all columns and submit to the company with processing fee of Rs.1100/-(Rupees One thousand one hundred only) only. He should kept one copy of Application form & documents with him for his record.
3.On receipt of Application form from interested party, company will scrutize the documents and call the party for meeting with management of company for discussions. If management finds suitability of person, the company will issue L.O.I. (Letter of Indent) to the party. The retailer will further work as per LOI. Mere submission of application does not entitle the applicant for Customer Representative. After submission of application, applicant cannot claim the Customer Representative as a matter of right. The decision of the Company in respect of suitability of Land, applicant person/firm shall be at the sole discretion of Company and binding
upon the applicant. No correspondence will be entertained in this regards.
Signature of Applicant
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